Table of Contents


Record changes to the local and remote repositories

Figure 1: Main Git's commands to operate with repositories.

The steps below are applied when there is some files, in the local repository, ready to be pushed to the remote repository.

  1. Open a terminal in the local repository and add the files to the stage area:
    git add --all


    git add <name-file>

Before commit the files it's possible to do as many changes as necessary to them, and when they are finally ready, run the add command again.

  1. Commit the changes:
    git commit -m '<your message here>'
  2. Push to the remote repositoy:
    git push origin master


    git push origin <name-branch>

    To force files to be pushed in the remote repository, overwriting the existing ones:

    git push -f origin <name-branch>

Check the status of the local repository

The following commands are used to inspect the status of the local repository relative to the remote one.

git remote update
git status

See differences

To see if there are any difference between the working directory and the HEAD:

git diff HEAD

List commit logs

To get he list of commits present in the local repository:

git log --oneline

List files committed

git show --pretty="" --name-only HEAD

Update the local repository

To fetch changes from the remote repository and merge them into the local one:

git pull

To force files to be pulled in the local repository, losing changes not already pushed in the remote one:

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/<name-branch>

Delete Last Commit from Remote Repo

To delete only the last commit from the remote repository, without affecting the local:

git push origin +HEAD^:master